Hello! this is my new blog!
After a WONDERFULLY AMAZING weekend at Worthy 11, my family and Kevin and Liam and I headed to North Carolina to the beach!!!
We stayed in the same house as last year with the boys in the basement and my parents, grandparents, aunt Vicky, and us girls on the main floor. (Kylie has a tenancy to make a face in unusual pictures.)
My dad, mom, and aunt Vicky LOVED to sit out on the porch and just relax while us kids played this stupid game called Mind-Trap were they had a paragraph mystery that you had to solve or just a stupidly vague question with an Obvious answer that No-one would ever think of.
Every night we had Ice Cream and Brownies!!! made by my Pop-pop. he brought like 12 boxes of brownie mix and we only used like 5.
The boys had fun playing around every night with their portable band.
(Mini Guitar, Acoustic, Bass and Snare Drum)
We could easily see the beach from our porch. And we might have a better view next year because the house in front of us might be wiped from the hurricane. :\
That is our canopy that we set up everyday and kept up all day for shade. It was also a place were random dogs would come and sit in the shade. On Tuesday there was a yellow lab with his Frisbee that would just come up to me and Ramil wanting us to throw it. This dog was amazing, he could ride the waves and time a jump over a wave perfectly to get his Frisbee. He liked Ramil's throws better than mine i think... ( i barely managed to not hit another person so much as get it far out into the water).
Then there was this adorable Yorkie mix who thought everyone came to the beach to see him/her. Spike, i don't know if it's supposed to be obvious or not cause i thought the owner said girl, would come and sit under our canopy and enjoyed the attention of my mother and Mimi.
We were seriously right across from the beach and entrance.
Have i ever said i have weird brothers???
On Tuesday night, us kids went down to the pier and hung out and took pictures.
I love that picture! Beautiful sunset!
I wasn't in any of these pictures because i took a lot! We had fun just goofing off and making faces.
Ok, This raft is the best $30 dollars you could ever spend at the beach! That raft last year saved half the family when we got caught in a ripe tide. Ok yeah, that's cool, but not as cool as ride waves in that!!! Pretty much you let the waves crash right on top of the raft and it's the best ride ever! If it's pumped up enough you can go negative in it on the side of the wave and Not flip over!!!!! or if its not pumped up enough you can get totally pummeled by a wave and not get to much sand in your bathing suit. We pretty much killed it this year though, now it has a giant hole in the bottom and a fingernail puncture in the inner tube.
Ok, let me finish this first but so far: BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER BOUGHT BEFORE READING!!!!!!! I was at this local bookstore and was about to just buy Mockingjay, when i saw this sign that said if you loved the hunger games you'll like this! so i checked out the back cover, bought it for ten bucks, and it's really amazing so far!
It's called Maze Runner if you cant read it.
These were scattered around the house everywhere!
So every year we do this tradition that we go to Jockey's Ridge and take pictures in the sunset and run down the tallest dune several times. So here are our pictures from Wednesday.
We do this one every year in the same spot.
Happy Siblings. :P
As Soon as we ran down the dune we learned that we would have to leave really early the next day because all vacationers were being evacuated from the outer banks because of the Hurricane. We jokingly renamed Irene hurricane LIAM because this was first year he came with us and we got evacuated! :P
The Outer Banks is getting pummeled as i type and i'm sort of glad we're not their at this moment.
But Seriously, we were bummed. That night we went to the beach and played around with a few glowing squishy balls Mimi brought and just watched the stars. After that we stayed up later and i did henna on peoples and myself. We all stayed up till about 2 then had to get up at 5 to leave by 6:30ish. We got home at about noon and crashed. i fell asleep at about 3pm and slept till about 8am. plus sleeping in the car and at the beach i slept for about 36 hours... yeah i'm still tired though, but sort of slightly depressed tired and a bit oversleeping tired.
On Friday, because we were still 'on vacation', we went up to the Baltimore Aquarium and enjoyed the weird fish and the dolphin show. All the sharks were creepy and rays were amazing. There also was this little turtle named Emily who thought my braid was food and started begging me for food. There also was a weird jellyfish that looked like a mushroom.
Today we're just relaxing and hanging around. But tonight its the halfway-season premiere of Doctor Who, so I cant wait!
hope you liked....